It is our desire to walk with you on your journey of faith and to help you Seek Christ and proclaim his Gospel.
Five Faith Catalysts We believe that faith is a gift from God and the best thing we can do is to prepare ourselves to receive this gift by participating and including in our lives events and activities that have one or more of the five faith catalysts in them.
The five faith catalysts are 1. Orthodox (Practical) Teaching 2. Private and Communal Prayer 3. Acts of Service 4. Holy Friendships (Providential Relationships) 5. Pivotal Circumstances (Holy Moments)
Pathways over Programs Our ultimate goal at Epiphany of Our Lord and St. James the Greater parishes is to create disciples and thus we try to avoid the temptation of becoming busy with an overload of programs and activities. Every program that we sponsor's ultimate goal in to ignite one of the faith catalysts and thus help Individual deepen their relationship with Christ and His Church.